
经典句子 2024-04-06 23:00:13 -




  1. 好想放薄一下我这颗伤痕累累的心是哪首歌的歌词
  2. 找***伤痕累累***歌词













〖One〗、歌手:manilyn manson专辑:holy wood

〖Two〗、打印预览 they want 2 sell it out.他们要展示它.

〖Three〗、buy it up dumb it down.把它全买下并使其沉寂.

〖Four〗、a good god is hard 2 find.一个好的上帝很难找到!

〖Five〗、i'll join the crowd that want's 2 see me dead!我将加入人群中,因为我希望看到我麻木!

〖Six〗、right now i feel i belong 4 the first time.立刻我第一次感到我属于(这里).

〖Seven〗、multiply your death!要想增加你的死因!

〖Eight〗、divide by sex!可用性来达到目的!

〖Nine〗、add up the violence what do u get?合计所有的暴行,你到底得到了什么?

〖Ten〗、we're all just stars we're waiting!我们全都是主角,我们都在等待着!

1〖One〗、we're all just scarried we're hating!我们都伤痕累累,我们都在憎恨!

1〖Two〗、we're all just stars on ur burning flag!我们全都是主角,在你燃烧的旗帜带领下!

1〖Three〗、u can point ur gun at me.你可以把你的枪指向我.

1〖Four〗、and hope it will go away!并希望一切都结束!

1〖Five〗、but if god was alive.但如果上帝还活着.

1〖Six〗、he would hate u anyway!无论如何他会恨你的!

1〖Seven〗、my right wing is flapping!我的右翼拍打着!

1〖Eight〗、the left wing is grey!我的左翼却苍老的!

1〖Nine〗、let's hear it 4 the kids but nothing they say!让我们把这当笑话听,但他们无话可说!

20、they gyrate and g-rate on election day!他们在选举日不停地转动和进行评估!

2〖One〗、we got our abc's and our fuck!而我们获得了基本知识和性对象!

2〖Two〗、multiply your death!要想增加你的死因!

2〖Three〗、divide by sex!可用性来达到目的!

2〖Four〗、add up the violence what do u get?合计所有的暴行,你到底得到了什么?

2〖Five〗、we're all just stars we're waiting!我们全都是主角,我们都在等待着!

2〖Six〗、we're all just scarried we're hating!我们都伤痕累累,我们都在憎恨!

2〖Seven〗、we're all just stars on ur burning flag!我们全都是主角,都在你燃烧的旗帜带领下!

2〖Eight〗、u can point ur gun at me.你可以把你的枪指向我.

2〖Nine〗、and hope it will go away!并希望一切都结束!

30、but if god was alive.但如果上帝还活着.

3〖One〗、he would hate u anyway!无论如何他会恨你的!

3〖Two〗、we're all just stars we're waiting!我们全都是主角,我们都在等待着!

3〖Three〗、we're all just scarried we're hating!我们都伤痕累累,我们都在憎恨!

3〖Four〗、we're all just stars on ur burning flag!我们全都是主角,都在你燃烧的旗帜带领下!

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