
经典句子 2024-03-28 01:30:52 -




  1. 双城记经典语录英文
  2. 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》英文佳句有哪些



Wasting a day on others is not wasting a day on yourself.


I don't want people to lose their houses and homes in prayer. I can't let people lose all the food and drink on my table and pray.


Whoever believes in me, though he dies, will live again. Whoever lives and believes in me will never die.


Evil is often short-lived and perishes with the perpetrators, while good lasts forever.


Sadness and despair can be very powerful.


It's the most enjoyable thing I've ever done in my life, and this is my best resting place.

There was a lot of noise, but there was no one!


To the world you may be one person. To the world you may be one person. But to one person you may be the world.


Being left out has its advantages, too. A solitude is more conducive to calm thought, and this will do far more good to your lot than if you had gone off on your own.


This man's life, like a clock, has stopped for so many years, during which time it has accumulated great energy, and now it is moving again with great vigor.


Many good-hearted people tend to exaggerate the good things they have done with wishful thinking, resulting in overly optimistic fantasies.


I see a beautiful city being built on this terrible land. I see a new generation of people who will live in true freedom. I have seen the men who gave their lives for it, and they live in peace and happiness in an England I will never see again.


Sowing the same seeds of plunder and oppression will bear the same fruits.


If business forces a man to restrain himself from saying what he will, and from doing what he will, a young gentleman as generous as Mr. Darnay must know how to understand the situation.


Earthquake swallow a city not how long, tell me, prepare for an earthquake how long.


〖One〗、Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.- The Land Before Time


〖Two〗、The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it.- The Lion King


〖Three〗、Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide.- Pinocchio


〖Four〗、Nothing’s impossible.- Alice In Wonderland

〖Five〗、I’m not worthless-- and I don’t have fleas.- Aladdin


〖Six〗、All it takes is Faith and Trust- Peter Pan

〖Seven〗、Dreams can come true!- Cinderella

〖Eight〗、A dream is a wish your heart makes- Cinderella


〖Nine〗、To die would be an awefully big adventure- Peter Pan


〖Ten〗、It’s kinda fun to do the impossible- Walt Disney



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